
Python Begginers Guide

What Is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language that is popular within the programming community. It is simple, versatile, and contains an extensive library of third-party frameworks. It is also considered to be one of the most popular modern programming languages, being highly accessible for beginners. You can even use it to create software in your programming domain of choice.

Once you've installed Python, you'll need a development environment on your system to write programs. IDLE stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment." Even though you can work with the basic IDLE that comes with a basic Python installation, developers are encouraged to use IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like PyCharm for better software development workflow. IDEs make developers more productive and make it easier for them to find bugs in code that has already been turned into software.

How to Use the Python IDLE Shell?

Once Python is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command to start the IDLE.

Command: $ python

As shown below, when you press Enter or Return, a new shell will open. >>>

You can test how Python IDLE works on your system by using some of the basic math or Print commands.

Program Code: ›>> print ("This is a sample to check that the IDLE works")

Output: This is a sample to check that the IDLE works When the Enter button is pressed, the program goes into REPL mode, and the text between the double quotes is shown on the computer screen. This is because IDLE knew that the shell window used the print!) method to show strings. You can also use math operations to test the IDLE workflow.

Program Code: >>> 8 + 3

Output: 11

IDE (integrated Development Environment) Python IDLE is frequently not recommended for real-world application development due to its inability to handle highly demanding projects. Developers are instead asked to manage and develop their code in specialized development environments known as IDEs. Furthermore, IDEs provide programmers with tight integration capabilities with various libraries.

IDE characteristics

1. Simple Integration Into Libraries & Frameworks One of the important features of IDEs is that they make it simple to integrate libraries and frameworks into software applications. IDLE requires you to assign them individually each time you use them, whereas IDEs do the hard work for you by autocompleting various import statements. Many IDEs also support direct git repository integration.

2. Integration of Object Oriented Design Many Python programmers who create applications employ an object-oriented paradigm. Unfortunately, Python IDLE does not include any tools to help developers create applications while adhering to object-oriented principles. All modern IDEs include components such as class hierarchy diagrams to help developers get their projects started with better programming logic.

3. Syntax Highlighting Syntax highlighting assists programmers in increasing productivity and avoiding simple, obvious errors. For example, you cannot use reserved keywords like lif to name variables. The IDE automatically detects this error and assists developers in understanding it through syntax highlighting.

4. Code Completion All modern IDEs use advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to complete code for developers automatically. The IDEs gather a lot of informatior

Python Foundations

Python programmers must ensure that input is provided directly from the user and output is provided based on the inputs to have dynamic applications. The Python interpreter and all functions in your program can access the user's input values. We will provide a few example programs in this chapter to help you understand how to improve the user experience of the software you have created based on input and output operations.

Why are Input Values Required?

Application survival is dependent on input values. Everything runs on the user's input values, from web applications to the most recent metaverse applications. When you log in to Facebook, for example, you must enter your email address and password. These are inputs, and your account will be authenticated only if the information provided is correct. Face data points are used as input in advanced applications such as facial recognition technology. Nowadays, every real-world application requests and collects user input data to provide a better user experience.



sample = input ("Which country are you from? ")

print (sample + " is a beautiful country!")


Which country are you from?

At this point, the user has to enter an answer. Let's suppose we write "United States of America":

Which country are you from?

United States of America

United States of America is a beautiful country!

II Example


example = input ("Which is your favorite hockey team? ")

print ("So you are a " + example + " fan. Hurray!")

We use the print function to display text on the screen from the beginning of the book. The only recommended method for printing to a computer screen is print).

Any input you pass to the print function will be converted to a string literal and displayed on the screen. While you are not required to be aware of the print) function's arguments, learning some parameters that can help you format your code is recommended.

What are String Literals?

String literals are advanced characters that can assist you in quickly formatting your data. For example, In is a common string literal that can assist you in entering data from a new line.

Other popular string literals that can help you output data with a new tab or without whitespaces and separators are \t, \b, and \d.

What is an End Statement?

The print function also accepts an end argument, which can be used to append any string data to the end of your string literals, as shown below.

Program Code:

print("Italy is a beautiful country. ", end = "Do you agree? ")

print( "Yes, I do!")

Floor Division

Floor division is an alternative arithmetic operator that developers frequently use when they are not concerned with the precision of the result. The nearest integer for the quotient obtained after a division operation is usually displayed by this operator.

*//' is the symbol for a floor division operator.

Program Code:

x = 9

y = 4

z = x // y



The above program has a Quotient of 2.25. However, because we are using the floor division operator, the program has returned the nearest integer.

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are advanced operators that developers frequently use to perform special features such as compression, encryption, and error detection.

Bitwise operators of various types are used in all high-level programming languages.

1. AND (&)

2. OR (l)

3. XOR (1)

4. NOT (~)

All these bitwise operators follow the same principles as logical operators in mathematics Operator Precedence.

Because there are different operators and mathematical expressions are formed by combining them, dealing with advanced mathematical expressions to create real-world applications can quickly become complex. Operator precedence provides programmers with clear objectives for prioritizing which operators perform a mathematical operation.


To function properly, Python programs require basic components like variables and operators. These elements, including variables and operators, are simple for novice programmers to comprehend and apply, allowing them to develop algorithms necessary for creating sophisticated software.

Variables are a way to store and handle data in a Python program. They allow both users and the software to interact with the data. Without data, software applications are useless and serve no purpose for end-users. Variables are used in Python to store data in a specific computer memory location, allowing the software to upload or download data. The concept of variables was first used in Algebra and has been a fundamental part of high-levet programming languages since their inception.

To understand how variables work in Python, it's important to understand the execution of Python programs, which can be demonstrated through a print statement. In the same way, by using variables, you can modify the output of a program by supplying literal values. Variables are replaceable, while values that shouldn't be replaced are often referred to as constants in programming To grasp how variables function, one needs to comprehend the execution process of Python programs. A print statement will help illustrate this.